The 7th International Conference on Economic Management and Green Development (ICEMGD 2023) was a hybrid conference which includes several workshops (offline and online) around the world. Dr. Arman Eshraghi from Cardiff Business School, Dr. Chinny Nzekwe-Excel from Birmingham City University, Dr. Dang from King's College London, have given keynote speeches on related topics. Also, we invited authors of qualified papers to deliver oral presentations at the Online Session. 16 authors have presented their studies of trade effects, digital finance, marketing strategy, etc. Questions from the audience were collected and answered by the presenters. ICEMGD 2023 provided the participants with good opportunities to exchange ideas and build networks, and it will lead to further collaborations between both universities and other societies.
King's College London, UK
Workshop Chair: Dr. Canh Thien Dang, Lecturer in King's College London
On August 1st 2023 the workshop "Benford's Law and Financial Misinformation in the Corporate and Non-Profit World" was held in King's College London. The workshop was held in conjunction with the "The 9th International Conference on Economic Management and Green Development". KCL Assistant Professor Canh Dang presented two papers on the methodological approach popular in the current literature of financial aspects in the non-profit sector, prosocial behaviours, and methodological advancements in the field. Measuring financial misinformation posits a challenging task for methodological and data constraints. This workshop aims to discuss the use of Benford's Law as a cost effective and efficient way to measure financial misreporting in the non-profit and finance literature and highlights the lessons in the current academic literature on the subject as well as opens the discussion on future topics. The workshop will invite researchers working in the UK who have used the method in their research.
Danubius University, Galaţi Romania
Workshop Chair: Dr. Habil. in Danubius University from Galaţi
On August 4th, 2023 the workshop "Corporate Strategic Management: Fostering Innovative Business-Degree Structures" was held in Danubius University from Galaţi. As a satellite event of the ICEMGD 2023 |International Conference on Economic Management and Green Development, the offline Workshop organized by Danubius University from Galaţi was held on August 4th, 2023. The main presentation entitled Sustainable development options - from Pollution Havens to green development, opened the discussions and launched the debates among participants. The participants involved freely in debates starting from the topics covered by the main speaker. There were several major directions for debates: Globalization - the global market relationships affected development patterns worldwide. While developed countries had structural and institutional advantages allowing them to extract the benefits from going global, emerging and less developed economies were more sensitive to negative effects of globalization. Moving pollution from developed economies to less developed ones was one of the risk and negative effect of it.
Birmingham City University, BIRMINGHAM, UK
Workshop Chair: Dr. Chinny Nzekwe-Excel in Birmingham City University
On July 4th, 2023 the workshop "Corporate Strategic Management: Fostering Innovative Business-Degree Structures" was held in Birmingham City University. This workshop is ideas-based, and conceptual and reflective in nature and draws on participants' own experiences. The first step towards empowering learners/ practitioners or business leaders into becoming effective change agents for enhanced sustainability in business practice is to create an environment that enables them to identify their current strengths and development needs. Knowing these will inspire learners/ practitioners to build their personal brand and subsequently help them make measurable impacts in the workplace environments. Therefore, with corporate partnership as a core element, learners or business leaders have opportunities to critically reflect on wider organizational issues and to explore evidence-based real-world solutions. This session forms part of an innovative degree-structure designed to bridge the gap of developing and harnessing corporate partnership between businesses, as well as creating capable & visionary business leaders to confidently enrich organizational and workplace practices.

The University of New South Wales (UNSW), SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA
Workshop Chair: Dr. Kristle Romero Cortés, Associate Professor from UNSW Business School
On August 2nd, 2023 the workshop "Integrated Finance and Climate Risk" was held in Business School, The University of New South Wales (UNSW). This study aims to study banks' internal lending networks in response to a shock to credit demand. Specifically, it will focus on bank lending in regions that are not affected by the physical shock of the disaster, however, are connected via their banking network to those affected areas. This alleviates the concerns around the effects caused by the disaster itself and highlights only the outcomes of the spillover effects of the shock across financial systems. While climate risk is typically highlighted in areas prone to natural disasters, the spillover effects have ramifications for financially connected but unaffected regions. While the increase in demand in the affected area is well documented and understood, the availability of funding and the internal decision-making of the banks involved is paramount to understanding how the new lending can occur prudently. The results from this project will inform and improve bank lending and aim to alleviate uncertainty for both borrowers and lenders. Furthermore, by explaining the strategies banks use to meet unexpected demand after a natural disaster, we can better understand how banks operate both in a crisis and in regular times.

Peking University Research Center for Market Economy, BEIJING, CHINA
Workshop Chair: Prof. Xuezheng Qin, Professor from Peking University
On August 1, 2023 the 1st International Conference on Applied Economics and Policy Studies was held in Peking University Research Center for Market Economy. As the importance of human capital becomes increasingly apparent, the Market Policy and Human Capital Workshop aims to foster an inter-disciplinary exchange of knowledge related to labor market, health economics, digital economic and so on. The workshop will invite researchers from all over the world to discuss the latest research results and cutting-edge topics in the field of labor economics, market policy and human capital. We aims to provide a platform for excellent young scholars and Phd.students communicate and discuss the recent developments in the above areas. We hope to provides opportunities for the attendees to exchange new ideas learn new knowledge.
Six scholars from well-known universities at home and abroad shared their research results in this field. In this workshop, participants exchanged views and had lively discussions on human capital, regional development, and the digital economy. Six young scholars reported their research results respectively. Scholars attending actively participated in discussions on various research topics, and the workshop provides the opportunity for every attendees to learn the the current academic literature on related subjects.

Online Session
Besides the workshops on more specific themes, ICEMGD 2023 will also hold an online session on the topic of business, finance, economics, and management for more convenient participation of scholars worldwide. This online session will invite professors from top universities and authors of qualified papers to present their works. Keynote speeches and oral presentations will be delivered through videos, which can be watched on ICEMGD 2023 official YouTube channel. Questions from the audience were collected and answered by the presenters. We believe that this online session will still be a great platform for participants to share, discuss, and cooperate. Hope you enjoy the ICEMGD 2023 online session!

You can find the Youtube Playlist of online session Here.
We call for excellent papers and review them according to the requirements of each journal. Qualified submissions will be directly recommended for publication in the following journals or corresponding Special Issues. The journals listed below have been indexed by Science Citation Index (SCI)/Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-E) and/or Social Science Citation Index (SSCI):
- JCRQ1 - Finance Research Letters [Impact Factor: 10.4; CiteScore: 10.8]
- JCRQ2 - Frontiers in Environmental Science: Exploring New Development Patterns for Climate Change Resilience and Mitigation [Impact Factor: 4.6; CiteScore: 3.1]
- JCRQ2 - Frontiers in Environmental Science: China's Insurance and Green Economy Development in the Context of Sustainable Development [Impact Factor: 4.6; CiteScore: 3.1]
- JCRQ2 - Sustainability: Circular Economy in the Fashion Industry [Impact Factor: 3.9; CiteScore: 5.8]
- JCRQ2 - Sustainability : Market Orientation, Strategic Marketing and Sustainable Innovation [Impact Factor: 3.9; CiteScore: 5.8]
- JCRQ2 - Sustainability: Entrepreneurship, Technology Revolution and Sustainability [Impact Factor: 3.9; CiteScore: 5.8]
- JCRQ2 - Sustainability: Digital Society/Society 5.0 and Sustainable Development [Impact Factor: 3.9; CiteScore: 5.8]
- JCRQ2 - Sustainability: Toward Circular Economy: Solid Waste Treatment [Impact Factor: 3.9; CiteScore: 5.8]
- JCRQ2 - Sustainability: A Circular Economy for a Cleaner Built Environment [Impact Factor: 3.9; CiteScore: 5.8]
- JCRQ2 - Sustainability: Consumer Behavior in the Mobile Commerce and Social Media Sphere: Limits and Challenges for Companies [Impact Factor: 3.9; CiteScore: 5.8]
- JCRQ2 - Sustainability: Sustainable Fashion and Consumer Behavior [Impact Factor: 3.9; CiteScore: 5.8]
- JCRQ2 - Sustainability: Sustainable Supply Chain Management in the Post-pandemic World [Impact Factor: 3.9; CiteScore: 5.8]
Conference proceedings
Accepted papers by ICEMGD 2023 will be published in Applied Economics and Policy Studies (AEPS) (Print ISSN 2731-4006) by Springer Nature or Advances in Economics Management and Political Sciences (AEMPS) (Print ISSN 2754-1169). They will be submitted to Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI), Crossref, CNKI, Portico, Google Scholar and other databases for indexing.
Title: Applied Economics and Policy Studies (AEPS)
Press: Springer Nature, Germany
ISSN: 2731-4006 2731-4014 (electronic)
Title: Advances in Economics Management and Political Sciences (AEMPS)
Press: EWA Publishing, United Kingdom
ISSN: 2754-1169 2754-1177 (electronic)